I spoke with Brian on his “The Maintaining Hope Podcast”, to listen go to https://anchor.fm/themaintaininghopepodcast/episodes/Episode-20—Holly-C–Robins-esaaih
https://www.hollycrobins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Dr-Angela-Radio-Interview-holly_robins_ep296-1.mp3 The interview starts after the commercials – please enjoy the interview and let me know what you think (about the questions and the comments) if you wish. Thanks – Holly Please note the web address is www.hollycrobins.com not .ca
God’s Unbreakable Love is a true story of how God had saved me from a landfill and rebuilt me from the inside out. Many people that are living in captivity have never seen inside a prison cell. Prisons don’t always have steel bars. Sometimes what holds people captive is pain, fear, anger, guilt or abuse; it could be addictions, depression, low self – esteem, rejection, sadness, loneliness, or living a destructive lifestyle. Anyone of these can hold you prisoner…..
Wow I can’t believe a year has gone by since I was just doing the finishing touches on God’s Unbreakable Love. I have to laugh thinking back to the day I wrote the last two words – ‘THE END’. I was jumping up and down doing my happy dance. After a year of endless hours married to my laptop, my work was done, I was free at last. It was finally finished. I was planning on ways to celebrate when…..
Well it’s another new year again, the time when everyone thinks of all the possibilities and the changes they would like to make for the months to follow. I was never one to make news year’s resolutions. I guess it’s because I believed that every day is a new beginning and a fresh start for anyone who wants to make changes or reinvent themselves. Every day begins with new hope and exciting possibilities. If a person is serious about doing…..
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope you can find some time out from all the busyness and reflect on why we really celebrate Christmas. Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank you so much for coming. We can’t do it without You. I thought I would share a couple of photos of one of our little girls ready for Christmas. Love Holly
It’s that time of the year when it seems to get so busy no matter how prepared you are. Just when I’m patting myself on the back for being so ahead of the game I find that every moment is filling with people to see and places to go. Everyday I’m adding something else on my calendar. I didn’t put any thought to my blog this week until today when I was sitting in the hair salon next to a…..
Many years ago, when I was first learning how to walk in faith, I was reading everything that I could get my hands on about my new life with Jesus Christ. I was so hungry for information and guidance. I also found it comforting and healing. One of the books I loved to read was a little book called Our Daily Bread. I couldn’t wait until the next issue would come out. It was a tiny little book only 4…..
A Nationally published review of God’s Unbreakable Love ‘The master healer of broken hearts and shattered lives’. Written by Holly C Robins. Inspired by her work ministering to women inmates, Holly has published her story chronicling the turbulent and traumatic events of her life and her discovery of peace and salvation through Jesus Christ. In God’s Unbreakable Love Holly sheds the shackles of life’s turmoil and puts forth a narrative of hope and healing. Holly’s story begins in her childhood…..
It seems that the little ghosts and goblins were just at the door for treats and I finally got rid of turkey leftovers from the freezer and I now I’m already planning for Christmas. I haven’t put up the tree yet but my shopping is just about done. I try to pick up gifts when I see them throughout the year so not to feel the pressure of finding gifts in the busy season or the pinch in my wallet……