God’s Unbreakable Love is a true story of how God had saved me from a landfill and rebuilt me from the inside out. Many people that are living in captivity have never seen inside a prison cell. Prisons don’t always have steel bars. Sometimes what holds people captive is pain, fear, anger, guilt or abuse; it could be addictions, depression, low self – esteem, rejection, sadness, loneliness, or living a destructive lifestyle. Anyone of these can hold you prisoner but God can set you free.
God wants you to know that He is so much greater than any strong holds that have you in captivity or all the injustice done to you. God’s love can diminish your pain. He is the master healer of broken hearts and shattered lives. He wants you to understand that it doesn’t matter what you’ve ever said or done, He loves you and His love is unbreakable.
No matter what dark roads you have traveled on, how many mistakes you’ve made or wrong paths you have taken on your journey – you simply can’t break the love that God has for you. God may not approve of the choices you’ve made in your life or the actions that you’ve taken but, His love cannot be moved by any force. God’s love is the most powerful force in the universe.
God Is Love
This is a story that has literally redirected many who were lost in a self corruptive or destructive lifestyle and guided them to a road of recovery.
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