The world today is unsettling and many people from all the nations are feeling the pressure and uncertainty of the future. Let me share with you just a few of the many scriptures that have help several people in troubled times. They’re scriptures that some even keep in their wallets or hang on the fridge door. Some have framed them and placed them on their night table as a reminder for them before they face another day. The book of…..
I thought for this week I would share with you a poem that an inmate gave me after chapel a few years back. We’re not permitted to take anything out of prison that we didn’t walk in with so I had to copy the poem onto a page in the front of my bible. I later had it transferred onto a photo and framed. I took it to church and sold many framed copies in the front lobby. I sent…..
This week I had the most amazing honor to visit twenty beautiful women of God in a healing house for women. I was invited to speak about my prison ministry and my book ‘God’s Unbreakable Love’. It’s a day that I will always remember. I could feel the presents of God as I walked through the front door. It was almost like the house was hugging me. I arrived early and the ladies were in the middle of their devotions…..
The World will tell you that God is not for everyone but just a chosen few. The Lord says “come all that are burden and I will give you rest.” There are some people that will tell you that it’s too late, that you have said too much and gone too far. The Lord says “I am just to forgive, I love you.” There are some that may say that God is harsh and doesn’t care about you. The Lord…..
The Dreaded Call As I promised last week, this link is to a short video reenactment of a mother calling her daughter to tell her she won’t be coming home for a long time – ‘the Wrong Path’. This video is a very emotional call that may be upsetting to some. Ninety percent of the women in prison are mothers with children that will be left behind. Most often fathers are no longer in the picture or never were. These…..
Rejected and abandoned – found and fabulous. I couldn’t stop reading so I read it through tears all in one sitting. Holly you have an incredible life story- it speaks to every person who is going through challenges or has in the past. Inspirational and real. I love that nothing is candy coated. A real story in a real world with a real God who loved and moved in amazing ways. This is a must read. Dawn Ann